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등록날짜 [ 2020년11월17일 09시37분 ]

DNP Develops Film That Corrects Blue Tint of Organic EL Panels When Viewed From an Angle

TOKYO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire) November 16, 2020 -- Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) (TOKYO: 7912) has developed a new film that corrects the blue tint seen in organic electroluminescent (EL) panels when viewing devices from an angle.

Organic EL panels are being increasingly employed in smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions. While exhibiting high contrast and fast response speed, Organic EL panels tend to develop a color shift, appearing blue, when viewed from an angle.

Going forward, solution needs will become more acute in line with the increased size of TV screens and the widespread use of foldable smartphones and in-vehicle displays.

DNP’s unique solution leverages proprietary fine patterning technology to create a film capable of correcting for this blue tint and reproducing vivid colors even when viewed from an angle.

The new film will be marketed as “Blue Shift Control Film.”


DNP will provide this film to panel makers, aiming for annual sales of JPY 2.4 bln. (approximately USD 23 mln.) in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.

DNP is one of the world’s largest comprehensive printing companies, providing a diverse portfolio of products and services to about 20,000 corporate clients worldwide. Since we were founded in 1876, we have consistently innovated new products and processes, and have successfully integrated proprietary printing and information technologies to branch out into various fields, including packaging, decorative materials, display components, and electronic devices. DNP continues to take on the challenge of new business fields, including those related to the environment, energy, and life sciences. Our aim is to become a principal provider of solutions to a variety of problems by developing and combining new technologies.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201113005279/en/

Website: https://www.dnp.co.jp/eng/

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